Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Nail polish memories...
I remember having a police officer talk to my grade one year in middle or maybe even elementary school about saying no to drugs. i remember as he told us about inhalants that he mentioned that even nail polish fumes could be too much. i remember he shared that he would have to leave the room when his wife painted her nails because it smelled too bad for him. he was warning us about the dangers of smelling nail polish too long, but i began to think of weird things. i thought of his wife inhaling her nail polish after she drove him out of the room. i thought of all the rich women getting manicures to get high. i thought about how many of my teachers kept immaculately painted nails and wondered how many enjoyed the fumes. i thought about when i used nail polish and if it ever made me feel differently. i hate the smell of nail polish remover. it makes me want to gag. i also hate the smell of nail polish, but the remover is even worse. because of that, i could rarely handle taking off the nail polish after i used it. eventually i decided to stop wearing nail polish. it was a weird adjustment for awhile to have naked nails, but after a little while it was great. i never had to spend time on them, they always looked better than chipping paint, my nails were pretty and very healthy looking, and were better off than if i would have painted them. i was happy with it. last weekend was the first time i've used nail polish in years. just a clear polish to make my nails harder and shiny. hopefully will make me less likely to break or bend my nails or even worse to nick a slice of nail off with my razor. why am i making you read this crap? because i'm braving the nail polish remover tonight after so many years without it. and what did i think of as i opened the bottle and smelled the putrid odor? that police officer's wife secretly getting high, right under the nose (no pun intended) of the law enforcer to whom she was married. she was probably thinking "haha, sucker!" i will reapply the polish in a free moment because it did seem to help me avoid pain. ok, back to a paper. look for another post later tonight if i have time.
p.s. what else do i hate? proofreading. after i have written something i have zero desire to read it again. it's down on paper. that's the end of the line for me. so i hate having to read through something again to make sure it says what i wanted to say and that i didn't make grammar mistakes. yet i hate having mistakes. it's no win really. so i grit my teeth and proofread. but i loathe every minute of it. i know, more random crap you don't care about. ;)
P.P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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