Friday, July 16, 2004
Ah, the memories...
after reading more about j-mo and swan's undying best friend love for each other, it got me all sentimental about my best guy friend. i miss the guy. we usually get together in a group of the guys + me. always very casual, but once he left for the military, we kept in touch through email and occasionally the old fashioned mail. got to know each other much better. he's the type who has that charisma about him that makes everyone want to be around him more. i'm sure we've all known somebody like that or have spotted somebody like them and have wished we were friends with them. well, i got lucky and was that guy's best friend... but he never made me feel like i should feel honored to be the lucky one who was his friend. he acted like he was the lucky one. (if that was confusing, which i'm sure it was... we both appreciated each other a lot.) we partied together, talked together, and he was always a little protective of me. all of the guys are to some extent, i guess. although he was the only one who tried to save his fiancee and me from the guy who turned creepy-horny on new years. he earned brownie points for that one. i'll be a bridesmaid in his wedding because i'm an important enough part in his life, and now kind of in his fiancee's life. and let's face it, i'm going to look waaaay better in a dress than in a tux. i was one of the first people he told his fiancee about when they started dating and talking about friends from home. and it goes without saying that he'll be in my wedding... of course it helps that he's one of J's friends as well. i guess they were technically friends first, but i also met my best guy friend before i met J. both through the same source. and i'll keep both of them and fight for both harder than i would for the source that brought me to both. but we don't need to talk about that. i miss those casual days where we all get our stuff taken care of during the day and wander over to his house around dinner time, have a few drinks, watch a little of whatever's on (sometimes whatever his grandmother's watching), catch up with his entire family that is over there (which is often an extended family), and eventually figure out the plan for the evening. it's all so laid back and just about spending the time we have together. if we just drink and talk, that's cool. if we go see a movie, that's cool too. just whatever. it's nice to be able to get together with people without having to have an agenda for the evening. sure it's probably less efficient, but it's so casual. and the guys never care what ends up happening. they don't see it as a lame night or a waste if they drove out there only to drink and talk in the house. anyway, just missing the good ol' days with my numero 2 man. but he might be coming home in around a month, so that's definitely something to look forward to. like i've always said, you gotta love those best friends.
(speaking of which, a huge special thanks goes out to my dearest beer for hooking me up with a dining table. and we will be planning a very special VIP celebration of 2 of the most important births of the past century. it will be good. oh so good. a super elite party bash, i believe, is the exact terminology for such a festivity. admission will be craved by many but offered to very very few. but i will plan that later.) night!
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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