Saturday, July 31, 2004
Boy update...
so it's late, i'm tired, and this is gonna be short. i hopefully have an update on this whole boy situation. supposedly, he was having a horrible couple of days and took it out on me in the form of dismissing all of my ideas and arguing against me no matter what the topic. he knew he was in a bad mood, but didn't realize until today how much he had dished out and framed as being my fault. normally, if he rants to me, he's complaining about whatever the actual problem is, so it's a pretty clear indicator that i'm not to blame and can remind him i don't deserve the wrath.
i don't know if this is the boy getting smart about covering his mistake, or if it's sincere, but i am generous with the second chances so i'm going with sincere. in talking with him more, he admitted that a lot of the more democratic ideas, liberal (to some extent) ideas, and kerry/edwards ideas made sense to him. he said his main conservative value was the whole military support thing, but that since kerry was stepping up to the plate on that, he was satisfied. without having to bust out the biased alphabet soup, i got an agreement of 99% that he would vote for kerry. i did a lot of work tonight. i removed the apathy (he was considering just not voting at all). i forced him to figure out what he believed in, what he was, what he liked, what he didn't like... i made him think for himself. omg! big breakthrough for the man. and i realize that flashing a few dozen sexy smiles as encouragement may have helped, but i hope and pray that some of this is the good man inside coming out and realizing himself and understanding that deep down inside he wants to make sure that everyone can have a decent life. at least i'm ending the night being proud of the boy.
(a quick sidenote: why does it seem that all the really liberal girls go for conservative men? myself and 2 of my good friends are all in this boat, not to mention a few others who i know as acquaintances. i'll have to tell these girls that there is still hope for my guy "seeing the light" after all.)
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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