Sunday, July 25, 2004
How to have more fun than you ever thought possible:
An instructive guide. AKA: how i spent my friday night.
so everyone wants to know how to have more fun than they previously thought was possible. how do you do it, you ask? like this: 6 people. 3 hours. 12 pitchers of margaritas. one of the great mysteries of life has been solved.
so yes, that was my friday night. actually, there were 10 people total in and out that night, but 6 of us were monopolizing the margaritas, 2 of the other people didn't drink, and the other 2 got a severly late start on the festivities. they were still sober enough for an after party. the rest of us felt like we were really getting old since we had to call it a night at midnight, but the next day, we figured it out. it wasn't that we were getting old, it's that we partied hard right from the start. there was no need for an after party. our waiter wanted to join us so badly. he kept hovering as if trying to decide if he should take us up on our offer to sit and have a margarita with us (and risk his job) or maintain his professionalism. he decided to play by the rules. but he did hit on both of my single friends as they left, and he also invited the rest of us out to party with him afterward at a nearby bar. i think we would have considered it if we were up to any more partying. i was actually considering it, but J had an early morning the next day so i figured i better help him be functional. apparently the waiter also told my single friends that we were cracking him up all night, and i could tell he sooooo wanted to be a part of the fun. but he was. he kept the margaritas flowing all night. and he hooked us up with a plethora of good (and FREE) desserts. that's right... i didn't kill off my SAT-word brain cells. we definitely have to make this a repeat performance. seriously.
as for the night before and the big surprise from J... turns out he DID have tickets for the big concert after all!!! well, he got them the night before my b-day (turns out it didn't quite sell out after all), but who cares about those details. we got to go!!! so he came over just in time that i could open the card with the tickets in it, go crazy with excitement, get dressed, and grab fast food on the way. it was perfect timing, though. and i was ecstatic. we got there just as the doors opened, and our seats were amazing for the top tier. we were absolutely straight back from the stage. like we were (back) and dead center. incredible. i had a few moments where i was just thinking "oh my gosh, i'm actually sitting here at this concert!" i had gotten used to the idea that i wouldn't get to go. but my man pulled through. the whole night was amazing. he gave me way more for my b-day than i should have gotten, but all things that i really loved. we got to see a totally amazing concert. i fell in love with him all over again. he kept his promise to be really sweet all night (almost) flawlessly. we got my favorite late night snack after the concert and rented a movie for the night. it was an incredibly late night, but a really good night.
all in all, i would have to say that this is one of the best weekends of my life. and i also have to say... i keep thinking that i have had the best weekend ever, and then they continually get topped by an even better weekend. this may finally be the pinnacle of all weekends. if it is, i have no regrets. if i have an even better weekend, then i may not know what to do with myself. i'll have to start writing happy sappy country songs about the wonderful miracles of everyday life. for now, you can just recognize me by the huge grin slapped on my face.
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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