Sunday, July 18, 2004
Last night
i have work to get done today, and i don't want to do it. but it's still hanging over my head because i didn't do any of it yesterday. i achieved just over the minimum bar (which is jack shit) yesterday. i think i edited out a "the" and added an "a" to the paper i'm supposedly working on. yeah, go me.
J came over last night and we watched eurotrip. afterward, everything we discussed went like this:
"hey guess what?"
"scotty doesn't know!"
(laughing, followed by whatever we were actually going to say)
ok, so that makes us sound as interesting as a piece of plywood, but it really was funny. to us anyway. he had a hamburger waiting for him here from the night before (mi refrigerador es tu refrigerador) and i got hungry and "made" myself some taquitos (remove desired quantity from box, heat in microwave according to the chart, remove and blot grease). however, i decided to steal his hamburger instead after eating 2 of my taquitos. i let him eat some of his burger and half of a taquito. don't worry, i don't starve the boy.
partway through i decided that i wanted something to drink. so the boy brought me a glass, the bottle of vodka, and the bottle of peach schnapps, as i requested. i didn't feel like making a full out fuzzy navel with orange juice because i didn't want any orangey taste, so i did without. vodka and schnapps, that's one strong little drink. (and to those hyperventilating right now, i didn't fill the glass to the top and only got a minor little buzz.) it was pretty good actually, but extremely sweet and left a weird residue removed only with brushing.
after J left, i read more of the book that he got me hooked on. unfortunately it was pretty late when i started reading and it only got much later, and once i got to that point where your eyes are completely dry and begging to close, i was at a point in the book where i was a little creeped out. generally the chapters were pretty short, so i flipped ahead to see if i could just read one more chapter to put it behind me, but that was when the author decided to use a lengthy chapter. damn him. so i felt like a little kid as i reminded myself that none of it was real and nobody would try to hurt me just because i happened to read that part of the book at that point. that's the one downside of living on your own (as a woman at least)... every once in a while, something happens that freaks you out and makes you feel like you're a scared little kid again. oh well, fell asleep, woke up, dragged my tired ass to the computer and have already made more progress today than i did yesterday. too bad it's all due tomorrow, so i can't just call today a victory and relax for the rest of it. ok, back to work.
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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