Monday, July 19, 2004
A little update...
on the day. it's been a little good and a little stressful. i feel manic-y, but in a weird way... not that i know how being clinically manic would feel, so i guess it could be textbook manic. but whatever.
let's get to the point. couldn't sleep at all last night. i was exhausted before i went to bed, then about 10 minutes before i actually went to bed, i got a second wind that lasted until about 30 minutes before my alarm went off. still tried to sleep, but ended up just laying around with my racing thoughts and ordering them to turn themselves off so i could sleep. no such luck. i've read that the most enlightened minds can only go for 12 seconds without a thought, so that gives some insight into the untrained mind and the storm of thinking it can think up when you tell it not to think. tongue twister. anyway.
so i have all these ideas now about how i need to start packing, figure out what to do about my personal info on the internet in case i work with stalkers, what i want to paint when i get to the new apartment or how i'm going to attempt to bring everything together. it's going to be modern dumpster ecclectic. that's the new style these days. look for it! except i carefully purchased each piece to assemble this look without dumpster diving (not really, but i still avoided dumpster dives).
at one point, i nearly decided that i would just get up and pack a few boxes, take things down from the walls and fill in the holes, maybe listen to some music while i'm working up a good sweat hauling everything around, and oh yeah it's 4am. and i have a presentation tomorrow. nevermind. go to sleep.
so yes, i woke up feeling like a bus had hit me, and i was starving since my body was awake all night without being fed. so i made a beeline for the kitchen, drank some water, fixed some cereal. then cursed the eyedrops that refused to go into my eyes to combat that dry scratchy feeling. started to wake up a little, mostly because i had to rush my ass off since our group claimed we would meet early just to iron out the last little details. of course ms bitchy mc'bitch didn't arrive until part way through the first presentation. and she wasn't even quiet when she walked in. she let her shoes flap, her keys jangle, and walked her booty right in front of their whole presentation as she carefully selected which row she most wanted to sit in. yeah, there was a selection and elimination process. but i'm not bitter because i'm rid of her. about time!
back to business... we gave the presentation and were just kind of winging it. we hadn't done a dress rehearsal ahead of time, so we were just praying that it lasted the required amount of time without going over. miraculously, we pulled it off. right on cue.
after presenting, we ate chinese for lunch, where we confiscated half their fortune cookie supply. we proceeded to eat them before lunch, during lunch, after lunch, with slurpees, with dinner, and during our last class. yes, that's how many we took. i'll probably exceed my lifetime fortune cookie allotment pretty soon and die prematurely because of it. and there were enough left over that i'm eating one right now. all this talk about them made me realize i needed another one.
we took a well-deserved nap during our break and were all just completely wiped out. woke up in time for class, though. as the day progressed i became exceedingly more stressed about our group presentation. we went last after 2 other long presentations, and everyone is always bored spitless to start. so i looked out at the crowd and nobody was giving encouraging smiles, nobody even looked at us. not a good sign, since part of our grade is their rating of our performance. we thought we did a good job, so right after we presented we were patting ourselves on the back. but as they day continued, i put more of the pieces together. like that nobody seemed to enjoy it, it took them twice as long to grade us as the other groups, somebody left mid grading and seemed all pissy like she just sat through the worst half hour of her life, the prof said the class had gotten confused about a couple things, etc.
blah. i'm getting bored with this. long story short, the good part of the last class was that one of our other friends asked the prof if we did well on the assignment, and he said he rated us well. the bad part was that we reviewed for the exam that will be next week, and i had thought it would be a piece of cake before he reviewed. not it's going to kick my ass. he estimates it will take us 2 hours if we fully reference, cross-tab, and label all of our material, and at least 3 hours if we don't. half of it is "really important to know" but was never mentioned in class. yuck. i thought we were done with hard tests when we got out of undergrad. i know some of you think that sounds naive, but i really haven't felt very challenged by this program (knock on wood). other people i talked to mentioned the same thing with their grad programs. it's not fun, but it's not kicks-your-ass-into-next-week hard either. tedious is more fitting. anyway, if i'm bored with this, then surely you are too.
i'm ready to move and start decorating the new place. and i'm not that into decorating either (it costs money). but i actually kind of have big ideas for this place. well the night's not over until you both get your fortune cookies and i've had about a dozen today, so you better catch up!
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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