Tuesday, July 20, 2004
News flash...
i have a duty to report the important news when i hear it. from stuff i wrote in the past and can't really remember at this moment because i'm not trying, to the most recent story about pregnant barbie, i have brought the news that matters to you. or the stuff that i find funny or crazy enough to pass along. i am blessed and cursed with the ability to see stupidity constantly in the world around me. especially in public things where people try to be clever-- like advertising.
so here is the latest piece of stupidity. you may thank whatever random radio station was on at the time. so apparently this new PSA (public service announcement) about buckling up thinks that all short people should be sitting atop booster seats. they claim, and i quote from the best i can remember, "all children below 4 foot 9 inches (4'9") should sit in booster seats at all times while in a car." ok, their stated logic was that they had to be high enough that the seat belt hit them at the appropriate places, and something about how you wouldn't expect a child to act like an adult so why would you expect them to use an adult seat. first, i would like to point out that i know adults who are just shy of 30 who are under 4'9" and would rip the throat out of those people for lumping them in with children... people who are driving the vehicle and would not tolerate a booster seat under any circumstances (pedal extensions, yes, booster seats, no). i mean, saying children? i don't think any of the boys i went to high school with who had some seriously belated growth spurts would really appreciate their moms nudging them into the back seat and telling them to "climb into their booster seat, honey!" hell, i doubt any middle school kid would tolerate it either. now i know their hearts are probably in the right place, but seriously... that's fighting a big losing battle. if they said all children under age 7 should ride in a booster seat, they would have much more compliance. a 6 year old would tolerate it. a 7 year old would probably just sit on their heels to see out the window.
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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