
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Quick thoughts... 

before i get into the serious stuff.

newsflash: so apparently people still rollerblade?!  i thought that died with the 90s.  do people seriously still rollerblade?  or did i just see an exception to the rule?  i'm not trying to make fun, but i seriously thought nobody rollerbladed anymore.  or if anyone did, it was kids.  or maybe people who wanted to roll around a lake or park or something, or who were carhops.  but i saw a woman rollerblading around the parking lot at my school yesterday.  i have met her before and know that she has a child in college (so she's not 20, but double that), and she was wearing faded cut off jeans (which again, i thought had died with the 90s).  interesting.

on another note: i just thought back with fondness on the amazing hurricanes in new orleans.  i think i should make a road trip back there to drink in some of that hurricane goodness.  i won't get them anywhere else because they just wouldn't be the same. 

P.S. Keep them in your prayers.


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