
Thursday, July 29, 2004

Slow day... 

talk about a slow day!  i ask for recommendations, yays or nays for the IM thing, and talk about politics, and my man matt's about the only person to follow through.  so... i IMed with him.  still am actually.  it's been fun.  we've covered a range of topics, including hideous noses, jobs, ADD, and the simpsons.  i may be his slave driver if he becomes a product developer so i can help save the world from any more stupid ideas.  not that he'd create stupid ideas.  he's really very ahead of his time.  he needs a job, people... in chicago.  send one his way.  i'm sure he'd appreciate it.

he's asked for a girl's perspective on sports.  so here we go.  i like hockey.  you get rugged guys, free fights, some sweet plays, and (if you're lucky) die hard fans.  and some fun memories.  plus there's always the zamboni!  i also like that they play because they love the game, not because they're paid more money than should be humanly possible.  and fuck it if i lose a tooth, it ain't no thang.  yeah, so i like hockey. 

high school football was fun back in the day.  you knew everyone and were with all your friends.  i don't like pro football players whining.  if they're supposed to be all tough, then shut the hell up and accept the income that's still waaaaaay more than most people make.  i often get bored with baseball.  sorry to all you die hards out there.  basketball can be fun, but i don't usually watch. 

other girls will have to leave their perspectives in the comment box.  i can only speak for myself.

P.S. Keep them in your prayers.


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