Monday, July 26, 2004
i'm exhausted. i just finished taking the bitch test from hell. it was a mutual sado-masochistic ritual. i kicked some of its ass, and it seriously kicked some of mine. i held it down and called it betty, since that's the name you call exams when they become your little bitch, but she wriggled free and bit me in the ass. when i finally finished and just decided to call it quits, the prof said i looked exhausted. i just told him i was. i didn't go into the details... i spent all weekend having way too much fun, procrastinated on studying until last night, was completely wiped yet worked up at the same time last night so i couldn't fall asleep, didn't get my normal nap time today because i was keeping up the appearances of studying, and i had to sit in a freezing cold classroom while getting my ass handed to me on a platter. not the whole thing, thankfully, just a nice little chunk of it. i don't think the test quite got the ass of the girl in front of me... but it sure did take a bite out of her shorts. saw her ass hanging out as she walked out. and she certainly is not the type who should be wearing shorts that reveal bare ass. ewwwwww.
so now i'm stressed and exhausted. left with the dilemma... do i try to do something to relax before i crash so i sleep better (like watch a funny show or exercise or something) or do i do the easier thing and just crash and worry about all the left over stress tomorrow. i think i should at least try to exercise or something, but there are no promises. oh, and the squeak of the title? i tried to say something earlier and i was so tired that it just sounded like a squeak. i need sleep. i swear i will be getting back to you guys and my normal reliable blogging habits that you all have come to rely on (i still love you all even if one of you removed your link to me in favor of an ipod), but i can't do it tonight as planned. check back tomorrow and i should be back to my normal self... whatever that is. planned chaos perhaps?
P.S. Keep them in your prayers.
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