
Monday, July 26, 2004

Yoga essentials with V... 

ok, so i'm going to cut through all the crap and give it to you straight.  this is how to do yoga.  do it late at night after you feel like you've been run over and over by a bus all day.  do it while drinking the "gourmet" instant coffee (think: mocha, vanilla, hazlenut, etc). 

next, find an old denise austin does yoga video.  one that's a decade old.  one that is vaguely reminiscent of the bad fashion designs and hairdos that are only popular in middle schools nationwide.  contemplate how denise austin can look like a hybrid of a middle school girl and a cheerleader mom with a mousy yet positive voice of a woman who should have a day job as a personal motivator type for those with way too much money for their own good and have a night job as a soft talking dirty phone operator who makes all the men feel somehow less dirty about calling a 900 number.  yes, that was all one sentence. 

she will tell you that you are doing a wonderful job, and remind you that you are worth it.  she will tell you how good you will feel about yourself for working out.  she will sometimes confuse you, like when she tells you to focus on the wall, close your eyes, and follow her lead all at once.  i only have 2 eyes, and unfortunately, they both tend to focus on the same thing. 

i have never watched a workout video before.  i figured i'd give this one a try since it's one of my mom's old throwbacks that she gave me a couple years ago and i have yet to watch it.  i was so stressed today that i was in pain from all the tension plaguing my muscles.  so i gave it a try.  not half bad.  maybe i'll actually watch the whole thing tomorrow.

P.S. Keep them in your prayers.


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