Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Stupid internet...
i love the internet and expect it to perform on command. (reminds me that somebody this weekend mentioned that porn stars eventually start cumming on command because it's their job... random, i know). when it doesn't work well, like blogger for the past couple of days, i get frustrated very easily. i have something to say and like instant gratification.
now that that's out of my system... i'm back from another long day at school. we busted our asses on a group project and i turned in my (hopefully) masterful midterm. if i don't get an A on that sucker then i'm hunting down the prof and letting her know exactly what i think of her and her stupid class. it's a waste of time and the midterm could only be described as busywork.
i know that i still haven't posted about this weekend and i truly apologize. i have been running around like crazy ever since i got back, and even ran out of time to take a shower last night because of that stupid assignment. normally i don't procrastinate quite that much and normally i am a cleanly person. but at 12 something at night, the bed looked more appetizing (so to speak) than the shower. speaking of appetizing, i'm freaking hungry but i haven't had time to go to the grocery since i've been back. i still have food, but all my quick snacky foods are limited-- only enough of each to get me through work lunches for the week. that means no extracurricular snacking is allowed.
i had a revelation today that may help a really smart, young, in-love, adventurous couple out there. it's too late for the to take advantage of it, but maybe somebody else can. for that right couple, they could plan things just right so they got married in between semesters and then studied abroad together. they could take the minimal course hours (1 or 2 classes) and work little part time jobs to increase the cash flow. their room and board would probably be included in that semster's tuition, and possibly even some trips, and they could just chill and tour the country/countries together for a semester-long honeymoon. sure they'd have a couple classes here and there, and maybe even a little retail position, but they could easily travel all over europe together for fairly cheap. i'm all about people finding any way possible to extend their honeymoon. i personally want nothing short of 2 weeks, and ideally a month, but i'm sure i will have to settle for less when i tell my boss that i want to have a full month off for my honeymoon. i'm sure you can understand why i would want such a long honeymoon... exotic locations, nice hotel rooms, your favorite person in the world, all the time on earth to "explore"... frankly i'm not sure why people don't take longer honeymoons. i mean, sure, you probably won't see a whole lot of the scenery the first couple days so you might as well save money if you're trying to cut corners, but i couldn't stand the thought of just taking a fast little weekend getaway and going back to work on monday. i guess that's one of my few little high maintenance quirks. i want as long as possible to have that honeymoon void of obligations other than the natural instincts (eat, sleep, sex). i would even be willing to spend the very first part of it holed up in a nearby hotel room as long as nobody knew we were there and then go to the exotic location of our choice after we got the first wave of newly married sexual exploits out of our systems. ok, i have gone on about this for WAY too long now, so i better wrap it up. but you can guarantee that as soon as i get engaged i will begin exploring the various funding sources for the honeymoon and asking for the time off as soon as a date is decided.
when i got home i actually created some order in my closet. not a lot, but a small start. so you can blame that on my lack of a full post on this weekend. hopefully tomorrow i can get home at a reasonable hour and type it up. now before my laptop dies, goodnight! muah!
p.s. does anybody know why my USB ports would stop working after i upgraded to XP pro? is that some computer safety mechanism or something? how do i get them turned back on? muchas gracias to anyone who have answers.
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