
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Still in control... 

i am still in control. i don't have a problem. just don't try to take it from me and nobody will get hurt. if you're thinking wtf, let me explain. i started craving something sweet, so what did i do? i pulled the bottle of caramel syrup out of the fridge and started swirling the sweet, sinful, delicious goodness straight onto my tongue. pull tongue back in mouth, savor for a few moments, and swallow. repeat. wow, i didn't know it could taste sooooo good. but i'm still in control. i'm not an addict. i can stop any time. i can't think of any of the other lame PSA lines. ok, obviously not that addicted to caramel syrup, but it is damn good. and a nice sweet way to celebrate the end of school. yum!


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