
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Custody woes... 

i'm pretty sure that mayhem has stolen my plants. when i asked him to babysit them while i was out of town, i didn't realize that i was going to lose custody. i'm not even getting them every other weekend! i only get to visit my plants whenever i see him. it's sad. and i fear that he may be neglecting my babies... whenever i visit him, i have to water them and last time i had to instruct him that feeding ice cubes to indoor plants was a bad idea because it would shock their little systems. oh man, i think i need to "just say no" to having pets or children with the boy. i can see it would get very tricky. maybe he'd want to live together if he was convinced that it would help the plants' development if they had both parents present. yeah, i think i might need a little more sleep tonight.

but speaking of pets (which i did several sentences ago)... what is up with all the people i know living in apartments who have pets? and not even ones that they had prior to getting an apartment... but they got their place and got a dog. i mean, are they just finding apartments that don't charge $500 for a pet deposit? or are they hoping that they found the one and only dog that is both silent and never needs to relieve itself? you really can't have a pet and not expect an occassional accident that will leave a lasting impression on a rented place. and with that i think i'll just stop thinking and jump on the bandwagon. i think a very small, very hyper dog with a bladder the size of a grain of rice would be a good choice. or maybe a jack russell... i've heard they are verrrrry calm dogs ;) (inside joke)

yeah, i'm just kidding. no pets in this apartment unless mayhem and i live in it years from now once we're married.


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