
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Answer time... 

bloopy gets credit for the closest answer. and damn close it was.

i figured that i would get answers saying that it was puke or dog shit or something equally disgusting. sadly, it does look nasty to me, but it was my dinner.

it was thai peanut noodles. here are the preparation pictures...

i would like to suggest to the noodle company that they make the noodles smaller or add in the instructions that you break the noodles. the directions were a little lacking in the clarity department. and despite looking disgusting, it turned out decent. it had the true sign of cheap food because it started to taste better after aging and congealing a bit.

here's the chopped up picture. let me know if you have any ideas of what's wrong. thanks!

feedback time: did you guys like this game? would you be interested in a repeat performance?


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