
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I've had better... 

so all in all, this was a pretty crappy weekend. and it being a holiday weekend just meant it lasted even longer. next weekend is going to be a stressful chaotic weekend with too much stuff packed into too little time, so that's something to look forward to.

i really don't know what else to say about things. the weekend was stressful, i didn't have much fun, people were being punks. this week i guess is a good thing, but it's still going to be stressful and only got worse when another issue was added to the mix. i just need a vacation from it all.

my flowers died over the weekend while i was gone, too. something advertised as a job opening turned out to be a placement service where they want a good hunk of your paycheck. i told the guy that i could find places who wanted to hire me without asking me for money, thank you very much you scam artist.

so let's find an upside. i got to talk to a good friend the other night. i have a job potential maybe in the works. mayhem was sweet for a portion of the weekend. i saw a few fireworks even though my july 4th plans were screwed over.

part of me wants to scream mean words into the post. part of me wants to cry. and part of me wants to sleep away all of this in hopes that i wake up and find myself in a better situation. i know it won't happen, but the nap sounds good anyway. please tell me somebody else had a better weekend than me.


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