
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Name that thing... 

ok, so don't get too alarmed quite yet, but i think my camera or my memory card may be fucked. the last couple pictures i took with it were all screwed up. one "failed" completely, and the other was chop shopped. if i had a good photo editing program i could probably piece it back together like a puzzle. it's linear cuts. even though the pic was shit, i managed to crop a little piece and salvage that for here.

so here's the deal. i'm going to post this pic and you're going to guess what in the hell it is. when i get back tomorrow i'll explain what it was and post the related pics (and the full version of the messed up pic just in case somebody can diagnose what's wrong just based on the pic).

so... name that thing!
(canned applause and cheering)


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