
Thursday, November 03, 2005

HNT and insulation... 

i wish i could soundproof one of my walls and my windows. that would make me much happier. i wouldn't have to hear the jackass a few floors above me clomping up and down the stairs. i swear he must wear lead shoes and be 867 pounds. it's a wonder he can continue to walk up the stairs after that much trauma to his joints. then there's the family next to me with the child who loves to throw tantrums and the daddy who loves to yell his head off. and finally, there is the crazy dog lady who walks her crazy loud barking dogs right by my door... multiple times. oh, and the kicker?! sometimes she just takes her dogs for a drive. in the car. like you would for a cholicky baby. but it's just her dogs. psycho.

and finally, my HNT...

enjoy, boys and girls!


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