
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Falling apart at the seams... 

seems like everything is falling apart at the seams.

relationship, family issues, job shit, even my body is wearing out.

christmas is going to be a little bright spot in it all (or it better be at least!), but i'm still worried about what i'm going to walk into when i come back from the holidays.

part of the issue is the great unknown. there's a lot of that in my life right now. you name it, i don't know about it.

so what's left to be thankful about? you know i gotta think of something positive before i get depressed. my family. for the most part, my family has been pretty good lately. food. food never lets me down. my bed. my bed is my favorite piece of furniture and treats me well every night.

gotta run, but i'll try the whole thinking positive thing.


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